Our Products

It has been said that spinning has been in the hands of artisans for over 2000 years. To this day, working with either “under the arm” or the more industrial style scissor tools is considered art work.

Along with the staples which Prism builds for hand spinning equipment, we build and remanufacture hand spinning lathes to supply all industry types. The popular Pryibil 22/44 is a lathe to which we adapt our tapered rolling bearing headstock and variable frequency drives. This is an economical solution to buying a new hand lathe but offers the latest in technology.

Prism Machinery spent many years studying the industry and developed a ruggedly built sliding bed hand spinning lathe with the option of a standard or heavy duty headstock. This machine can be used for small jobs or blanks up to 48” in diameter. If one is concerned about production rate, then a brake can be added to the spindle. These machines are the “Ferrari” of hand spinning lathes.